Reported Bugs and Announcements
There have been no new public releases of the Washington Has Fallen Minecraft Adventure game. Due to lack of public interest we stopped providing updates in mid-2022. Here at the end of 2022 we anticipate to have completed all of the repairs discovered from the original beta tests. In 2023 we will conduct a private and closed beta test of all the new re-coding, redesigns and new connecting missions that we developed during 2022 with a new beta team.
We hope to be able to release a final tested version of the 2022 version of the game to the public sometime in 2023.
Beginning 5-15-2022 anyone interested in downloading the most recent Public Beta of Washington Has Fallen, will need to follow @RGAPCreative on Twitter and DM us for the current download link. We are doing this to help reduce non-contributing downloads and hopefully increase feedback to help us find any bugs we missed. Thank you for understanding.
Reported Bugs, Updates and Status:
Mission 6 - Supreme Court - 5-16-2022 SkyThrusters483
- - Mini command area in hallway needs fixed - has a spawn point that is broken and the second half of the command blocks are non-functioning
- - Trigger into the main part of this mission needs a complete redesign. Currently it gets triggered after teleport from Mission 5. Needs a slide trigger from completing to the rooms. Recommend a slide trigger that pulls in a preset NPC to remind player of this missions objective and to either give player a hint about the location of the trigger created by the slide triggers, or the NPC can act as the trigger that launches the actual mission.
- Fixed 5-16-22 - One of the explosive triggers blows a hole all the way into a timer command area. This is a design flaw from the original build. Need to create explosion proof barrier.
This was a big bug in Mission 6
Mission 5 - Capital Building - 4-16-2022 SkyThrusters483
- Fixed 5-15-22 - Add NPC's from notes into Capital Building
- Fixed 5-15-22 - Replace block behind computer in National Intelligence Center
- Fixed 5-15-22 - Remove door triggers from Capital Building that lead to National Intelligence Center to prevent being locked out of mission.
- Fixed 5-15-22 - Remove Elon Musk Sign as indicated in Notes
- Fixed 5-15-22 - Trigger Entrance to Key Event Office from Progressive Area
- Fixed 5-15-22 - Remove Devin Nunez from Key Event since he is no longer in office.
Mission 4 - Pentagon - 4-16-2022 SkyThrusters483
- Fixed 5-13-22 - Dying in inner room bookcase respawns behind the locked door.
- Fixed 5-13-22 - Check mob dispensers to see if it needs replenished or updated to use timed command blocks
- Fixed 5-13-22 - Place a barrier to prevent re-entry back into Zombie Room
- Fixed 5-13-22 - Door Trigger to armory needs placed from the Zombie Room.
- Fixed 5-15-22 - Omega Button needs placed from Armory.
- Fixed 5-15-22 - Need an exit trigger from Armory
- Fixed 5-15-22 - Add an NPC inside of pentagon to give a hint about how to build an Omega Bridge.
Mission 3 - Wahoo (Wuhan) - 3-24-2022 SkyThrusters483 in beta release F-3-24-22 WHF.mcworld
- FIXED - Fort Gates didn't open
- FIXED - Make guard inside Ocean Gate where Ocean Exit is place fort door opening
- FIXED - Fort Underwater Command Area #1 not working
- FIXED - Change times to 0 ticks so fort door opening appears faster
- FIXED - Design new method of dealing with unsolvable spawn point location, so that the original locked house remains usable
- FIXED - Upper Lab Tower triggered - only one right side of second floor exit open.
- FIXED - The guards over the ocean entrance to the ocean gate didn't seem to have spawned or else jumped down.
- FIXED - Mob still appeared out side of far ocean gate wall in far tower. No one appeared in that tower
- FIXED - Guard Station outside Ocean Gate - Put more gates that have to be triggered from climbing a ladder at the far end of the guard stations and manually triggering them. That way the guards must be defeated before being able to ultimately enter the ocean.
- FIXED - Mobs in power plant didn't appear
- FIXED - New code method that power plant mobs are triggered
- FIXED - New Code entrance to set exit pressure pad after a set time in case player doesn't have the required tools to complete the puzzle challenge
- FIXED - New code - Pressure pad exit powerplant removes mob setting entrance Redstone block If power plant is not disabled. If disabled a different command block hooked into path that opens lab doors instantly sets power plant exit pressure pad.
- DONE - Major new design work and challenge added into Wuhan to resolve unresolvable spawn set.
Great Wall of China - Wahoo (Wuhan) outer ocean gates challenge
Wahoo (Wuhan) Power Plant in Washington Has Fallen
Wahoo (Wuhan) Castle in Washington Has Fallen - Minecraft Beta
Mission 3 - Wahoo Lab - 3-18-2022 SkyThrusters483
- FIXED - Discovered some doubled command blocks in Lab Code placed in a non-functional way. Command Blocks can only be double stacked if powered by a repeated at the bottom block. These blocks are double placed horizontally which doesn't work in Minecraft Bedrock - needs investigated. Is this code still needed? What is it supposed to be doing? What is it supposed to be triggering?
- FIXED - Visitors Lab Lounge TP still has an unresolved bug. Currently NPC TP set works up until entrance is locked, then it sets a new spawn to the distant water house. Still trying to de-bug.
- FIXED - Pressure plate from lab visitors lounge to lab needs moved
Mission 3 - Wahoo Lab - 3-17-2022 SkyThrusters483
- FIXED - NPC in lab is sending to the roof door access. Make lever that triggers roof access, open the door, then instead of placing a lever on second floor - it should place a button so the door doesn't remain open. Also make the trigger tp the player back into the Lab Visitors Lounge instead of having the player have to enter from the emergency entrance and reset the spawn. Remove the pressure pad triggers at the bottom of the stairs in the roof door access building so doors to this area are always locked. (Check command codes being triggered currently at bottom of stairs to see what its doing and if it need moved somewhere else)
- FIXED - Completed main tasks, and tested all triggers in all areas of the lab, but trigger to open hidden area isn't working - so I wasn't able to test door opening pressure pad
- FIXED - xxx-xx-xxx - didn't set - command block at this location
- FIXED - Trigger recoded at xxx-xx-xxx - Yesterdays Fix didn't correct problem
- FIXED - Lab needs fully retested after fixes are made, before moving on.
Notes: all Mission 3 functions tested and work up until final part of Wahoo Lab Challenge.
Mission 3 - Wahoo
The following are fixed as of 3-16-2022 in G-3-16-22 WHF.mcworld
- FIXED - Close the door at xxx-xx-xxx
- FIXED - Power plant entrance trigger needs relocated
- FIXED - NPC at lab entrance needs another challenge answer
- FIXED - Trigger is missing and is hole inside lab hallway upstairs at xxx-xx-xxx
- FIXED - Check to make sure blocks are present at xxx-xx-xxx
- FIXED - Lab Prize area inside needs lever replaced with push button and new code needs to set light-weight pressure pad
- FIXED - Ocean doors failed to open via trigger - Miss-spelled command block code
- FIXED - Powerplant Re-Coded
- DONE - Pillagers added to guard wall before entrance to ocean gates
- DONE - Guard wall before ocean gates entrance redesigns
- DONE - Trigger to enter power plant relocated to hidden house
- DONE - Power Plant lever relocated to hidden house
- FIXED - Lab Entrance Path Blocks repaired
- FIXED - Wahoo Tardis
- FIXED - Great Wall of China Exit recoded.
Mission 2A - Thomas Jefferson's Home
- FIXED - Fix command Block - 3-6-2022
Mission 2 - Dreammaker University
- FIXED - Add effect to floor three exit - 3-5-2022
- FIXED - Add chests with items - 3-5-2022
- FIXED - Add vending machine - 3-5-2022
- FIXED - Add Spawn Point - 3-5-2022
- FIXED - Test Trigger - 3-5-2022
- FIXED - NPC command added - 3-5-2022
Mission 1 - Tower, Park, Blue Room